
异丙酚在急性髋关节脱位中医手法复位中的临床应用 被引量:2

Clinical Application of Propofol on Acute Dislocation of the Hip of Chinese Medicine Close Manipulative Reduction
摘要 目的:观察异丙酚在急性髋关节脱位中医闭合手法复位中的麻醉效果.方法:选择闭合性髋关节脱位患者40例,术前常现禁饮禁食。入室后,开放静脉通路,常规监测呼吸、血压、脉搏和血氧饱和度(SpO2),面罩吸氧,静脉注射丙泊酚1.5~2.5mg/kg,40~60s注完,睫毛反射消失后开始复位术,观察呼吸、循环变化及苏醒时间。结果:所有患者均一次手法复位成功,手术时间15s^4min。麻醉诱导平稳,对呼吸、循环有轻度影响,复位过程中,SpO2均有不同程度下降,有11例患者小于90%,面罩吸氧后即恢复。血压、心率较麻醉前减低,发生率分别为40.3%和75.3%,病人肌肉松弛,无体动及呕吐。苏醒时间为(7±2)min,醒后偶有恶心、头昏、头痛等发生。结论:异丙酚麻醉用于关节脱位后中医闭合手法复位,麻醉效果确切,操作简便,诱导快,苏醒迅速而完全,无需病人变动体位,是一种安全有效的无痛复位麻醉方法,值得临床推广。 Objective: To observe the anesthesia effect of propofol on acute dislocation of the hip in the efficacy of Chinese medicine close manipulative reduction. Methods: Closed dislocation of the hip choice of 40 patients, and are forbidden to drink in Preoperative. While entering the operating room ,open venous and monitoring breathe,blood pressure, pulse rate , oxygen saturation (SpO2), breathe oxygen by mask. By intravenous injection of propofol 1.5mg - 2.5 mg/kg,in 40 seconds to 60 seconds. To reposition when loss of eyelash reflex . At the same time to observed breathing cycle changes and recovery time. Results: All patients had a successful reduction practices, the operation time from 4 minutes to 15 seconds. Smooth induction of anesthesia, the breathing and cycle mild, on reduction process, SpO2 have different levels drop 11 patients with less than 90% ,but reture qickly on breathe oxygen by masks. Blood pressure and heart rate lower than pre - anesthesia, the rates were 40.3% and 75.3%, and muscle relaxation,have no action and vomiting. Recovery time was (7± 2 ) minutes . After awakening nausea, dizziness, headaches occur occasional. Conclusion: Chinese closure means treating dislocation reduction by propofol anesthesia, anesthesia precise, simple, rapid induction, rapid and complete recovery, the patient is no need to change position. Narcotic pain reduction is a safe and effective. The method is useful clinical.
作者 白英 于鸿波
出处 《中华中医药学刊》 CAS 2007年第6期1305-1307,共3页 Chinese Archives of Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 急性髋关节脱位 中医手法复位 异丙酚 麻醉 dislocation of hip chinese manipulative reduction propofol anesthesia
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