The seasonal population fluctuation of Phytophthora cinnamomi in naturally infected soils of Shanghai area was determined by bait trapping technique during 25 months.The results showed that the pathogen population in two different soils fluctuated regularly,it reached the maximum in summer and autumn when the rate of soil samples with detected P.cinnamomi and number of isolates recovered from soils were 44 % and 83, respectivcly, and reached the minimum in winter when no pathogen was detected. In spring, the populations started to grow up. The regression analysis demonstrated that there was a significant relationship (P<0.05 )between pathogen population and soil temperature ; the optimum soil temperature was about 25℃,and when the temperature declined to below 10℃no pathogen was detected. Also, it was found that seasonal pupulation fluctuation of this pathogen was connected internally with the disease incidence of host plants- The more abundant pathogen population was counted, the higher trapping disease incidence of host plants was found.Additionally,the fact that the bait trapping method could be used as a good way for detecting the population fluctuation of some soil-borne pathogens in soils was also discussed in this paper.
Acta Agriculturae Shanghai
Phytophthora cinnamomi
Bait trapping technique
Seasonal fluctuation