Some of lily cultivars are important ornamental gardening plants,and rely on asexual reproduction to propagate themselves mostly. But the sexual cross is one of necessary means for breeding. We made some cross combination in Lilium L.,and the hybrid seeds of two cross combinations were used as materials for hybrid embryo in vitro cuIture. After surface sterilization, the seeds were inoculated on 1 % agar plates at high density, 2 days later, some of the seeds were laid on the MS, medium (without hormones )directly,and some of them were dissected,the endosperms were excised and the embryos were laid on the MS0medium. After 5 days, the embryos began to germinate and the germinating embryos amounted to 88% during 15 days,but the seeds whose endosperms were not excised began to germinate after 43 days, and the germinating seeds made up only 16% until 68 days later.Among the different media tested,MS supplemented with NAA 0. 5 mg/L and KT 1. 0 mg/L was the most effective for embryos germination, 75 % embryos grew into plantlets and 12. 5 % embryos grew into buds. When the buds were transferred on MS supplemented with NAA 0.1 mg/L medium,80% buds grew into plantlets after 4 weeks.
Acta Agriculturae Shanghai
Lilium L.
In vitro culture
Hybrid embryo