
潮汕地区汉族人群20个Y染色体短串联重复序列基因座复合扩增及遗传多态性 被引量:2

Twenty Y-STR locus nmltiplex amplification and genetic polymorphism analysis in Han population in Chaoshan area
摘要 目的获得20个Y染色体短串联重复序列(Yshort tandemrepeats,Y-STR)基因座及其单倍型在潮汕地区汉族人群中的遗传多态性分布情况,评估其法医学应用价值。方法通过建立3组Y-STR荧光标记复合扩增系统(MultiplexⅠ:DYS434,Y-GATA-A10,DYS438,DYS439,DYS531,DYS557,DYS448,DYS456,DYS444;MultiplexⅡ:DYS458,DYS460,DYS443,DYS447,DYS446,DYS709;MultiplexⅢ:DYS622,DYS635,Y-GATA-H4,DYS520,DYS630),对潮汕地区汉族158名无关男性个体进行20个STR基因座的复合扩增,用ABI310基因分析仪对扩增产物进行检测,统计20个Y-STR基因座的群体遗传学参数。结果3组复合扩增系统均可成功进行分型,基因多样性(gene diversity,GD)值最低为0.2506(DYS434),最高为0.8034(DYS447);20个Y-STR基因座共同构成的单倍型157种,其中156种为唯一的,单倍型多样性为0.999998。另对30个父性家系调查显示:同一家系成员20个Y-STR基因座单倍型一致,未观察到基因突变。结论20个Y-STR基因座具有丰富的遗传多态性,父系遗传稳定,建立的3组Y-STR荧光标记复合扩增系统分型可靠,可用于法医学个体识别和亲权鉴定。 Objective To study genetic polymorphisms of 20 Y-chromosomal short tandem repeats (STR) in Chaoshan Han population, and to evaluate their value in forensic science. Methods Twenty Y-specific STR loci (DYS434, Y-GATA-A10, Y-GATA-H4, DYS438, DYS439, DYS443, DYS444, DYS446, DYS447, DYS448, DYS456, DYS458, DYS460, DYS520, DYS531, DYS557, DYS622, DYS630, DYS635 and DYS709) were amplified by using three fluorescence-labeled multiplex PCR systems and were analyzed by ABI310 genetic analyzer. One htmdred and fifty-eight unrelated male individuals of Han population in Chaoshan area were investigated to determine the distribution of allele frequencies and haplotype. Results The Y-STR multiplexes developed had followed the published nomenclatmre and ISFG guidelines for STR analysis. Gene diversity ranged from 0. 2506 at DYS434 to 0. 8034 at DYS447. A total of 157 different haplotypes were observed, and among these, 156 were unique, while 1 was fotmd for two times. The haplotype diversity value calculated from all 20 loci combined was 0. 999998. None of Y-STR allele mutation was observed in the 30 father/ son pairs confirmed by autosomal STR analysis. Conclusion The results indicate that the 20 Y-STR loci are highly polymorphic and fathership genealogy inheritance are stable. The three fluorescence-labeled multiplex amplification systems that we constructed are suitable for forensic individual identification and paternity testing in Chaoshan area.
出处 《中华医学遗传学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期345-349,共5页 Chinese Journal of Medical Genetics
基金 中国博士后科研资助基金(2005038506) 广东省自然科学基金(D6301091)
关键词 Y染色体 短串联重复序列 复合扩增 遗传多态性 Y-chromosome short tandem repeats multiplex amplification genetic polymorphism
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