
国外乡村旅游研究综述 被引量:76

A Review of Overseas Studies on Rural Tourism
摘要 本文总结了国外乡村旅游研究的进展,指出国外研究的成果主要集中在乡村旅游供给、乡村旅游需求、乡村旅游影响等方面。基于上述研究状况和乡村旅游发展现状,笔者认为今后国外乡村旅游研究的重点将可能为:对乡村旅游跨学科、多角度进行的实证和理论研究,乡村旅游有关术语、作用和基础理论的国际共识研究,国际合作跨地区、跨文化的乡村旅游共时比较研究及对乡村旅游发展演进不同阶段的历时归纳研究。 After reviewing the progresses of overseas studies on rural tourism, this paper concludes that these studies mainly focus on rural travel supply, rural travel demand and the impacts of rural tourism. Based on the findings of the review and the status quo of rural tourism, the authors believe that future focuses of overseas studies on rural tourism will shift to: inter-discipline empirical and conceptual research from different lights to discern the nature of it; researches on international common understanding of the terminology, nature, outcome and the significance of rural tourism; synchronic contrastive studies on international cooperation programs in trans-regional and trans-cuhural rural tourism, and diachronic induced studies of the development of rural tourism at different stages.
出处 《旅游科学》 CSSCI 2007年第2期61-68,共8页 Tourism Science
关键词 乡村旅游 国外研究 综述 rural tourism overseas studies review
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