
高职院校通识教育与专业教育相结合的理论与实践 被引量:2

The Theory and Practice on the Integration of General Education and Professional Education in Vocational Colleges
摘要 在高职院校加强通识教育,既是教育的本质诉求,也是高职院校科学发展的必然要求,还是顺应国际职业教育发展趋势的需要。顺德职业技术学院在“以人为本”的办学理念指导下,形成通专结合的高职教育观,确立人才培养目标并构建育人体系,探索在课堂中学习、在环境中熏陶、在生活中感悟的通专结合途径,形成了通专结合的高职教育人才培养模式。 The enhancement of general education in vocational colleges of China is the requirement of the basic aim of education, the scientific development of Chinese higher vocational education, and the adaptation to the developing tendency of the international vocational education. In recent years, with the guidance of the concept on human beings as the foundation of all values which is the core of the idea of running school, Shunde Polytechnic has established the concept of the integration of general education and professional education, build up the new goal of Talent-cultivation, and created a training mode with the integration of general education and professional education, which consists of learning in classroom, understanding through life and edification in campus culture.
作者 陈智
出处 《顺德职业技术学院学报》 2007年第2期1-5,共5页 Journal of Shunde Polytechnic
关键词 高职院校 通识教育 专业教育 人才培养模式 vocational college general education professional education training mode
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