

Bank Merger:A Change from Strategic Expansion to the Strengthen of Core Competitiveness
摘要 20世纪90年代,随着金融管制的放松和银行业竞争的加剧,发达国家的银行纷纷展开大规模并购,希望通过扩大规模,拓展经营范围来降低运营成本,增加收益,提高竞争能力。然而,这种以追求规模经济和范围经济为主要动机的战略扩张型银行并购在后来的实践中被证明并没有使银行的经营效率得到根本改善。因此,从核心竞争力出发制定银行并购战略从而为银行赢得竞争优势和发展空间,应成为未来银行业本质性的并购动因。 In 1990s, with the looseness of monetary control and the intensification of the com petition in banking industry, large scale mergers and acquisitions were brought about in banks of developed countries. The purpose is to decrease running costs, increase revenue and promote com petitive capability by enlarging the scale and business scope. However, the type of merger, aiming at strategic expansion with the motivation of pursuing scale economy and scope economy, were later proved to be no use in making fundamental improvement in business efficiency. Therefore, beginning from core competitive power to set merger strategies for banks can help banks to win competitive advantage and development space. This should become the basic motivation of bank merger for banks in the future.
作者 李树林
出处 《云南财经大学学报》 2007年第2期28-33,共6页 Journal of Yunnan University of Finance and Economics
关键词 银行并购 规模经济 范围经济 核心竞争力 Bank Merger Scale Economy Scope Economy Core Competitiveness
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