依托前沿的软件开发技术和模块化的软件开发方法,采取Java Platform Enterprise Edition(JavaEE)架构,按照MVC(模型-视图-控制器)设计模式的特点,设计了基于B/S(浏览器/服务器)模式的三层(表示层、业务逻辑层、持久层)地震记录处理软件框架,并运用Cewolf图形引擎、Struts框架、JavaBean技术、Hibernate框架实现了这一框架,以地震记录图形绘制和地震记录FFT变换及图形绘制两个实例,讲述了在此框架下地震记录处理方法的实现,展示了B/S模式地震记录处理软件的处理效果。
Based on the state- of- art techniques for software development and module concept in sofware system design and the design method of MVC, a threelayer (presentation layer, business layer, and persistence layer) B/S (Browser/Server) framework of a software platform for earthquake record processing is developed by utilizing Java Platform Enterprise Edition (Java EE). In addition, the Cewolf graphic engine, Struts framework, Java Bean, and Hibernate framework are also used to help build the framework of the platform. Finally, the implementation of the earthquake record processing within this B/S framework is demonstrated by two examples, plotting and FFT transformation processing and plotting of earthquake records. The results prove that the framework developed in this paper can provide more functionality and flexibility than current similar systems. The developed one inclndes most of the advantages of similar software platforms.
World Earthquake Engineering