
基于圆周运动的自组网移动模型研究 被引量:4

Research on a Mobility Model Based on Circle Movement in Ad Hoc Network
摘要 自组网仿真研究大多基于特定的移动模型,而移动模型中节点空间概率分布是研究和评价自组网性能的理论基础.然而,现有的自组网移动模型存在诸多缺陷(如不现实的移动场景、节点的非均匀分布等).在分析和比较现有移动模型的基础上,提出一种基于圆周运动的移动模型,推导出移动节点的二维概率密度函数公式.理论分析和仿真实验表明,该模型能够克服现有移动模型的这些缺陷,为仿真和评估自组网的性能提供了精确的理论模型. Ad hoc network is not deployed on a large scale, and researches in this area are mostly simulation based on mobility models. The research on node space probabilistic distribution of mobility model plays a very important role in studying many relevant characteristics of ad hoc network. However, there are many drawbacks on existing mobile models, e.g. unrealistic movement scenarios, non-uniform distribution, low connectivity, etc. On the basis of analysis of these models, a novel mobile model based on circle movement is proposed and the space probability distribution of this mobile model is deeply investigated. By the analyses of the probability and average length of the events that contribute to the node space distribution, the exact equation of the node asymptotically stationary distribution for movement is derived on a 2D region. Its advantages such as uniform distribution are validated through simulations by various settings of the mobility parameters. Simulation results show that this new model avoids the above drawbacks. Given a deep understanding of the behavior of this new model, the exact theoretical model for simulation and evaluation of ad research results are of practical value and provide hoc network performance.
出处 《计算机研究与发展》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期932-938,共7页 Journal of Computer Research and Development
基金 福建省自然科学基金项目(2006J0222)~~
关键词 自组网 移动模型 空间概率分布 圆周运动 连通性 稳态 ad hoc network mobility model space probability distribution circle movement connectivity stationary state
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