
川气管道工程湖北段地质灾害与防治研究 被引量:3

Geological hazards and countermeasures along the Hubei Section of the natural gas pipeline from Sichuan to Shandong
摘要 川气天然气管道工程通过鄂西崩、滑、流极易发区,鄂中石膏、磷矿区,鄂北岗地膨胀土区,地质环境条件复杂多变,隐藏了多种地质灾害隐患。通过沿线实地调查,以记实手法预测该工程在湖北段可能遭受16处主要地质灾害,其中崩塌灾害4处,滑坡灾害4处,泥石流灾害4处,地面塌陷(含岩溶塌陷和矿山采空塌陷)灾害3处,塌岸灾害1处。根据各处地质灾害成因特点不同,因地制宜地提出了采取避让、治理、防护、限制等应对措施来避免灾害发生,确保管道工程顺利施工和安全运营。 The pipeline project that Sichuan' s Natural Gas Outputs Sichuan across Geological Disaster in wet Hubei, the gesso, the phosphorite mine in middle Hubei, the inflation earth area in the north of Hubei. The geology environmental condition is complex and changeable, and hide many kinds of geological disaster or hidden danger. This article in the open country on-the spot investigation foundation, predicts the possibility of the landslide, the mud-rock flow, fall of ground in the Hubei section (involving karst to cave in picks with mine spatially caves in), collapses geological disaster and so on.And according to the form characteristic of different geological disaster, it proposes we should take some actions in order to prevent the way to traffic, the government, the protection, the limit and so on, to make sure the plumbing engineering smooth construction and the security operation. ]
出处 《中国地质灾害与防治学报》 CSCD 2007年第2期42-49,共8页 The Chinese Journal of Geological Hazard and Control
关键词 地质灾害 措施 湖北 天然气 管道工程 川气出川 geological hazard countermeasure Hubei natural gas plumbing engineering Sichuan' s natural gas outputs
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