无线传感器网络(WSN)数据传输离不开路由协议,路由协议是其组网的基础.由于WSN是一种资源受限网络,尤其是能量的受限,因此路由协议必须维持较小的路由信息并尽可能的减少能耗.文中从其体系结构、协议栈、网络层次等几个方面分析介绍了无线传感器网络,在对传感器网络路由协议作了充分了解的基础上深入研究了经典的聚类路由算法——LEACH(Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy),提出了对它的改进方案并用OPNET对改进前后的算法进行了仿真比较.仿真结果证明了改进后算法的有效性,并且在能耗和网络生存时间上比LEACH有了提高.
Wireless sensor network's data transmission from routing protocol, it is the network foundation. As WSN is a resource-constrained network, in particular, the limited energy, it must maintain smaller router information and reduce the energy consumption as much as possible. We introduced wireless sensor networks from its architecture, the protocol stack, network-level analysis. On the basis of full understanding of routing protocol, we analyzed low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH) and made improvement programs on it. Both of the algorithms were emulated in OPNET. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the improved algorithm and prove the improved algorithm is much better than LEACH in energy consumption and lifetime.
Chinese Journal of Sensors and Actuators