

Security Analysis and Security Network Model Design Based on Mobile IPv6 Network
摘要 IPv6作为一种全新的因特网络标准出现,不但继承了IPv4的优点,同时在安全性等方面做出很大程度的修改和补充。本文主要针对安全性相对薄弱的移动IPv6,研究利用IPsec标准建立虚拟专网模型,以保证模型内资料传输的保密性与完整性。 IPv6, a new Internet standard, is in virtue of IPv4 merit. Furthermore, it modifies and extends most aspects of IPv4, including the security. This paper studies a new mobile IP protocol - mobile IPv6 and researches how to establish VPN model using IPSec standard for ensuring the security and integrality of transmitting data in model.
作者 吴昆 罗军勇
出处 《信息工程大学学报》 2007年第2期235-237,共3页 Journal of Information Engineering University
关键词 VPN IPSEC 移动IPV6 VPN IPSee mobile IPv6
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