从银杏样品中分离到一株具有抑菌活性和抗氧化活性的内生真菌YX-28,在PDA培养基上培养7d左右,白色菌落从中央开始逐渐炭化变为黑色;在液体和固体培养中均能产生黑色棍棒状子实体,头部为白色,随时间延长,白色头部消失,子实体变得细长,中心形成空心,但经近紫外线照射、菌体扫刷等处理均不产生孢子。扩增YX-28菌株的18S rDNA以及内转录间隔区(ITS),采用blastn分别进行序列相似性比较,YX-28的18S rDNA序列与Xylaria sp F14相似性最高,达99%,有11个碱基的差异,两者(G+C)%均为47.36%,DNAstar分析显示两者的相似性为99.1%,离散度为0.9%。而ITS序列与Xylaria sp MS358相似性最高(99%),仅有1个碱基的差异,两者(G+C)%分别为44.42%、44.62%,DNAstar分析显示两者的相似性为99.8%,离散度为0.2%。采用PHYLIP构建系统进化树,结果显示YX-28在基于18S rDNA和ITS序列的进化树中都不与其它任何已知菌种处于同一分支。YX-28为炭角菌属真菌,但是否为一新种还有待进一步研究,以期为开发利用这一重要真菌资源提供重要的基础数据。
An endophytic fungus YX-28, possessing antimicrobial activity, was isolated from branches of Ginkgo biloba L. After incubation for 7days, the white colony of YX-28 became dark gradually. While on the surface of PD liquid culture broth, black and stick-like fruit bodies appeared, with a white head. As time went on, the white head disappeared and the fruit body got stringy and hollow. No spores were observed. 18S rDNA and internal transcribed spacers were amplified and sequenced. The 2315bp sequences was compared with the known sequences in the GenBank database. The similarity of 18S rDNA between YX- 28 and Xylaria sp. F14 is 99% and the divergence 0.009. There is no difference between the (G+C)%. There is only one base in ITS region of YX-28 different from Xylaria sp. MS 358 that is showing the highest similarity. But the phylogenetic analysis showed that YX-28 does not come together in the same known strains either on the basis of 18S rDNA sequence or ITS sequence.
Food Science