The development of neoclassical style in Europe were divided into two stages in which one was earlier phase including Louis ¢ú¢ǒ of France, Adam brothers, Hepplewhite and Sheraton of England, and Federal style in American in the late 18 century; The other was late phase including Directoire style and Empire style of France and English regency, and Duncan Phyfe of American in the earlier 19 century. The typical samples were respectively Louis ¢ú¢ǒ of France in the earlier period, the Empire style in the late period. During the late Neoclassical period there was a tendency to more accurately revive classical models. As a transition, the Directoire style had features which related it to the immediate past style of Louis¢ú¢ǒ and to the succeeding style of the Empire. Based on more stringent simulation of classical models, forms of the Empire style were severe.
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