本文通过对不同铁素体/珠光体(F/P)组成的碳钢低温拉伸断裂行为的分析,阐明了这两类组织对解理断裂控制机制的不同及其控制作用转换。结果表明,珠光体钢的解理断裂为扩展控制型,断裂应力对温度不敏感;对 F/P 型碳钢而言,低碳钢的解理断裂由铁素体特性决定;随珠光体含量的增加,珠光体团对于铁素体中萌生的解理初裂缝过界扩展的控制作用渐强;当珠光体体积与铁素体相当时,开始表现出珠光体钢的扩展控制特性。
The low temperature fracture behavior of plain carbon steels has been investigated using ten-sile specimens with different ferrite/pearlite(F/P)constituents.In this paper,the differences ofthe two kinds of microstructure in mechanism governing cleavage fracture as well as the transi-tion of the governing microstrueture in steel are analyzed.The results indicate that cleavage fra-cture in pcarlitic eutectoid steel is propagation-controlled and the fracture stress is insensitive totemperature.Cleavage fracture in low carbon steel represents the character of ferrite.An increa-se in pearlite content enhances the governing effect of pearlite colony on the development of ini-tial cleavage crack across grain boundaries.As far as pearlite becomes comparable to ferrite involume percentage,cleavage fracture in the steel begins to reveal the propagation controlled fea-tures of pearlite steel.
Iron and Steel