莱曼德·林德曼1942年发表的论文“生态学的营养动力论”为水生态系统能流研究提出了一个全新的概念,被认为是生态学和湖沼学研究史上的奠基之作,也是生态系统生态学的重要著作。林德曼的研究是从定量上应用Arthur Tansley提出的生态系统概念最早的工作之一,并在几个方面具有开创性。该研究最重要的贡献是为研究营养级之间的相互关系和为比较不同的水生态系统提出了共同的衡量指标(有机物或能流),从而为生态学发展确立了理论取向。林德曼的生态学的营养动力论对当前的生态学研究仍然具有重大的指导意义。
Trophic dynamic aspect of ecology by Raymond Lindeman provided a novel conceptual model for studying energy flow in aquatic ecosystems. Lindeman's Ecology manuscript is now considered foundational work in the histories of ecology and limnology and seminal work in ecosystem ecology. This work was one of the first papers to implement Arthur Tansley's newly proposed ecosystem concept in a quantitative manner and was groundbreaking in several ways. The work's most enduring contribution is that it provided a common currency (organic matter or energy flow) for studying interactions among trophie levels and for comparing disparate aquatic ecosystems, thus establishing a theoretical orientation in ecology. Today, Lindeman's model is still instrumental in ecological research.
Ecological Science