
共轭亚油酸在奶牛体内的代谢及其日粮影响因素 被引量:1

Metabolisn of Conjugated Linoleic acid in Dairy Cow and Affecting Factors of Diet
摘要 人们发现共轭亚油酸(CLA)具有抗癌及其他对动物健康有益的生物学活性。CLA主要存在于反刍动物来源的食品中,奶制品是人类饮食中CLA的主要来源。许多营养学家研究提高乳中CLA含量的营养学方法,发现日粮脂肪酸能够影响乳中CLA含量。本文综述了CLA在奶牛体内的合成代谢途径以及影响奶牛乳脂中CLA含量的主要日粮因素。 Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) has been found to have anticarcinogenic properties and possibly other health benefits in animal models. It is found predominantly in food products from ruminant animals, and dairy products are the major source in human diet. To increase the content of CLA in milk, many nutritional strategies have been studied. The dietary source of FA was found to influence CLA concentration in milk. The metabolism of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), and the factors affecting on CLA contents in milk fat of lactating dairy cows were reviewed in the text.
作者 孙涛 李胜利
出处 《中国畜牧杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2007年第11期35-37,共3页 Chinese Journal of Animal Science
关键词 共轭亚油酸 营养调控 综述 奶牛 conjugated linoleic acid nutrition regulating a review dairy cow
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