
中国六城市轻中度高血压患者血清叶酸水平的调查 被引量:30

Distribution of serum folic acid level of patient suffered mild and moderate hypertension in six cities in China
摘要 目的 描述中国六城市轻中度高血压人群血清叶酸水平的年龄,性别和地区分布。方法 调查哈尔滨、沈阳、北京、西安、上海和南京六城市28~75岁455位轻中度高血压患者,电化学发光法统一测定血清叶酸水平。结果 (1)男性血清叶酸水平显著低于女性(男12.39nmol/L,女14.61nmol/L,P〈0.01),男性叶酸缺乏率显著高于女性(男7.1%,女3.1%,P〈0.05),男性低叶酸水平发生率显著高于女性(男47.4%,女28、6%,P〈0.01)。(2)在调查的六城市中,南京高血压人群的血清叶酸水平高于其他城市(P〈0.05)。各年龄组间叶酸水平差异无显著性。结论中国六城市轻中度高血压患者血清叶酸水平存在性别地区差异。 To describe distribution of serum folic acid concentrations and differences among age, gender groups and geography in Chinese population with mUd-to-moderate hypertension. Methods 455 subjects aged 28 to 75 years were randomly recruited from six cities in China. Serum folic acid concentrations were measured by electruchemiluminescence. Results (1)The mean of serum folio acid in male (12.39nmol/L) was lower than that in female(14.61nmol/L) (P 〈 0.01 ). The folic acid deficiency rate and lower folic acid rate in male were also significantly higher than those in female (P 〈 0.05 ). (2) Subjects from Nanjing city could have relatively higher level in serum of folic acid( P 〈 0.05), when compared with those from other cities. Additionally, there were no differential distributions of folic acid levels among different age groups. Conclusion Serum folic acid distribution in Chinese mild-to-moderate hypertensive patients could have gender and geograohv differences.
出处 《卫生研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期305-307,共3页 Journal of Hygiene Research
关键词 叶酸水平 高血压患者 Folic acid level hypertension patient Chinese population
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