
骨骼肌肉功能失调对卫生专业技术人员职业活动和健康影响的研究 被引量:3

Effect of musculoskeletal disorders on the occupational activity and health of health professional
摘要 目的 骨骼肌肉功能失调是一个危害广泛的职业卫生问题。本研究旨在了解我国骨骼肌肉功能失调对职业活动和健康的影响。方法 对334名卫生专业技术人员进行了骨骼肌肉功能问卷调查,内容包括骨骼肌肉功能失调的身体部位及对职业活动和健康的影响。结果本次问卷调查的应答率为99.4%,其中308人主诉在过去12个月有骨骼肌肉功能失调的表现如疼痛、不适或麻木,以颈部、肩部和腰部最多,分别为72.2%、59.9%和59.9%。在这些症状中持续时间超过24小时的占56%,影响到职业工作的占23%,需要医院就医的占/5.9%。手腕部和肩部骨骼肌肉功能失调的持续时间多超过24小时,其OR值分别为3.1(95%CI 1.6~6.4,P〈0.01)和2.6(95%CI 1.4~4.7,P〈0.01);而腰部、大腿和手腕部骨骼肌肉功能失调常常引起工作能力的下降,其OR值分别为2.7(95%CI 1.6~4.7,P〈0.01)、2.4(95%CI 1.1~5.0,P〈0.05)和2,2(95%CI 1.3~3.9,P〈0.01);腰部和膝部骨骼肌肉功能失调到医院就医的需求最高,OR值分别为2.8(95%CI 1.5~5.4,P〈0.01)和2.1(95%CI 1.1~4.0,P〈0.05);女性职业者出现骨骼肌肉功能失调的相对危险性为男性5.2倍(OR=5.2,95%CI 1.3~21.0,P〈0.05)。结论 在卫生专业技术人员中,骨骼肌肉功能失调是影响健康和职业活动的重要因素之一。 To study the effect of musculoskeletal disorders(MSD) on the occupational activity and health of health professional. Methods Anatomical diagram and affected occupational activity or ability and health of 334 health professionals were inspected by means of a questionnaire survey in a city. Results The response rates of the survey was 99.5 % . Among them, 308 health professionals (92.2 % ) experienced and MSD in the previous 12 months, was 72.2 % , 59.9 % and 59.9 % of MSD on the neck, shoulder and lower back sites, respectively. Fifty-six percent of their symptoms lasted more than 24 hours, in which 23.0% interfered with their occupational work ability and 15.9% required medical treatment. MSD of the hand/wrist( OR = 3.1,95% CI 1.6 - 6.4, P 〈 0.01) and MSD of the shoulders( OR = 2.6, 95% CI 1.4 - 4.7, P 〈 0.01) were the most likely to last longer than 24 hours. MSD of the lower back( OR = 2.7, 95 C11.6 - 4.7, P 〈 0.01), upper legs( OR = 2.4,95% CI 1.1 - 5.0, P 〈 0.05) and hand/wrist( OR = 2.2,95% CI 1.3 - 3.9, P 〈 0.01 ) were commonly associated with a reduction of work ability. Medical teatment was 2.8 times more likely( OR = 2.8,95%CI 1.5-5.4,P〈0.01) and 2.1 time more likely (OR=2.1,95%CI 1.1-4.0,P〈0.05) to have been sought for MSD of the lower back and kness, respectively. Females were five times more likely to report MSD at any body site( OR = 52.95,95 % CI 1.3 - 21.0, P 〈 0.05 ). Conclusion It was suggested that MSD could be important cause of occupational activity disability and sickness of health professionals.
出处 《卫生研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期333-335,共3页 Journal of Hygiene Research
关键词 骨骼肌肉功能失调 卫生专业技术人员 职业活动 健康 museuloskeletal disorders health professionals occupational activity and health
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