
基于多水源多用户分析的城市污水回用模型 被引量:2

Optimization model for wastewater reclamation and reuse planning based on analye of multiple resources and users
摘要 为城市污水回用规划方案设计,提出一种进行多水源与多用户之间配水方案优化的方法。通过识别影响污水回用的城市内部约束和外部约束,构建了全面反映污水回用资源和环境效益的非线性优化模型。城市水资源缺口、对地下水开采的替代量、污染物的削减量和排放下游的生态用水量是影响污水回用的关键因素。该模型能够通过设定不同的决策目标来设计不同的回用情景。对邯郸市的计算实例进行了模型应用。应用结果体现了污水回用对城市可持续发展能力的支撑作用。 A municipal wastewater reclamation and reuse planning method was developed to optimize reclaimed wastewater distribution between multiple resources and users. Based on identification of the internal and external constraints on wastewater reuse in urban setting were identified to develop a nonlinear optimization model to maximize the benefits of water resources in wastewater recycling system. The key factors affecting water reuse are shortages of municipal water supplies, ground water substitution, pollution reduction, and downstream ecological water needs which provide different scenarios for different purposes. The test results in Handan reveal the ability of reuse systems to facilitate sustainable development of cities.
出处 《清华大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期830-833,846,共5页 Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology)
基金 国家环保总局 水利部全球环境基金(GEF)海河流域专项治理项目(TE053183)
关键词 污水回用规划 多水源多用户 非线性优化 wasteWater reclamation and reuse planning multi resources and users nonlinear optimization
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