
青春期情感自主性与社会适应性的相关性研究 被引量:4

The correlation between emotional autonomy and social adaptability in adolescence
摘要 目的西方对“青春期情感自主性究竟是积极的‘个体化’,还是消极的‘疏远’”的争论由来已久。本研究引入“家庭支持度”和“父母观念主流性”作为调节变量,考察在不同的支持度和主流性的情况下,情感自主性和社会适应性之间的相关性;方法随机抽取浙江省慈溪市中心初级中学初一、初二、初三年级以及杨贤江中学高一、高二年级457名中学生进行问卷调查;结果(1)家庭支持度是良好的调节变量:当家庭不支持时,情感自主性高,社会适应性好;当家庭支持时,情感自主性和社会适应性之间的关系则很小;(2)父母观念主流性可能是通过对家庭支持度的影响,再对两变量的相关关系起作用的,而并非是直接的调节变量作用;结论青春期情感自主性和社会适应性之间的相关性受到家庭支持度的直接影响。 Objective The dispute whether emotional autonomy in adolescence is positive individuality or is negative alienation had existed for a long time in the Occident. This paper was to introduce two variables, named "the support from family" and "the social attitudes of parents" and to investigate the impacts of the two variables on the interaction of emotional autonomy and social adaptability. Methods 457 middle-school students in Cixi of Zhejiang province were recruited randomly into our study, 218 boys and 239 girls. Results This study demonstrated that the higher (lower) support was from family, the more positive correlation existed between EA and social adaptability; and the "social attitudes of parents" didn't influence directly the correlation between EA and social adaptability, but affected the correlation through "the support from family". Conclusion Support from family is an important factor that modulates the correlation between emotional autonomy and social adaptability in adolescent.
作者 张璇 张耀方
出处 《杭州师范学院学报(医学版)》 2007年第2期94-98,共5页 Journal of Hangzhou Teachers College :Medical Edition
关键词 情感自主性 社会适应性 家庭支持度 父母观念主流性 青少年 emotional autonomy social adaptability support from family the social attitudes of parents adolescents
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