
啮齿类螺杆菌的分离鉴定 被引量:7

Isolation and Identification of Rodent Helicobacters
摘要 目的对分离自啮齿类实验动物的17株螺杆菌进行鉴定,以期获得生物学、遗传学特性典型的菌株作为模式菌株。方法通过生物学特性、16S rRNA序列测定、系统发育树及超微结构分析,对螺杆菌进行种的鉴定。结果确定所分离的17株菌株分为两大类,其中一类为胆汁螺杆菌(H.bilis);另外一类属于螺杆菌属成员。结论所分离到的菌株分别是胆汁螺杆菌和未鉴定到种的螺杆菌,其中胆汁螺杆菌与ATCC51630模式菌株16SrRNA序列比较,相似性达99.6%,可作为检测用的模式菌株。 Objective To identify the 17 helicobacter isolates isolated from laboratory rodent animals to obtain a strain which possesses typical biological and genetical characteristics as a type strain. Methods To identify the isolates to species level by means of biological characteristics, 16S rRNA sequence analysis, phylogenetic tree and uhrastructure analysis. Results the isolates can be classified into two species: one was Helicobacter bills, another was Helicobacter sp. Conclusions the isolates are Helicobacter bills and Helicobacter sp. not identified at species level. The 16S rRNA sequences of Helicobacter bills has 99.6% similarity to the type strain ATCC 51630. Helicobacter bills can be used as a type strain for surveillance,
出处 《中国实验动物学报》 CAS CSCD 2007年第3期215-219,共5页 Acta Laboratorium Animalis Scientia Sinica
基金 国家科技基础条件平台工作重点项目(编号:2003DIA7J033)
关键词 啮齿类螺杆菌 胆汁螺杆菌 鉴定 Rodent Helicobacter Helicobacter bilis Identification
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