在分析服装在线接单系统现状的基础上,根据男西服套装和服装量身定制的特点,对男西服套装量身定制的前端接单系统进行了设计与编排;运用网页编辑器Dreamweaver和专业图像处理工具Photoshop CS和Im-ageReady,采用模块化思想,框架式网页构建,实现了男西服套装量身定制接单系统的开发。系统主要由品牌展示和套装定制界面、男西服套装量身定制界面、衬衫服饰品界面、客户资料和订单管理界面四部分组成,色彩运用富有品质感,款式内容丰富,布置合理,操作简单直观。
Based on analyzing the present situation of on-line garment order system, the order system of lounge suit is designed according to the nature of suit and garment MTM. Using the web page editor Dreamweaver and professional image processing tools Photoshop CS and Imageready, the order system interface of lounge suit is carried on. The system interface adopts modularization design idea and frame type, the whole interface color is rich with the tactile sensation, the style contents are abundant, decoration reasonable and operating simple and convenient. The system is mainly made up of exhibition for production and suit order interface, the male lounge suit order interface, shirt and clothing accessories interface, customer's information and order managing interface, which will provide a certain way of train of thought and corresponding reference to the corporations.
Journal of Zhejiang Sci-Tech University(Natural Sciences)