
“消费社会”的解读路径:马克思的视角及其意义——从西方马克思主义消费社会观的方法论缺陷谈起 被引量:8

Interpreting Route of "Consumer Society":Karl Marx's Angle and Its Significance——Comments on the Methodological Shortcoming of Western Marxists' Viewpoints of Consumer Society
摘要 鲍德里亚等西方马克思主义社会学家在建构其消费社会批判理论时,只把消费社会当作一个客观的事实来看待,在方法论上拘泥于非历史性的社会学方法,无法进入马克思意义上的历史唯物主义的方法论视域。这直接导致了他们不能准确地把握批判和超越消费社会的路径。马克思在《巴黎手稿》时期由于撇开了对生产过程的正面分析而直接进入到对财富分配领域的批判性研究,因而还不具备历史地分析消费过程的思想基础。在《德意志意识形态》中,马克思界定了生产过程对消费过程的决定性,但对消费过程本身有可能产生的社会效应还没有引起足够的重视。经过19世纪50年代初期的思想过渡,马克思在《1857—1858年经济学手稿》和《1861—1863年经济学手稿》中,不仅从资本统治模式的复杂性的角度,深刻地指出了消费过程对整个社会经济形态的重要性,而且最终还从资本主义生产过程的发展性的角度,阐释了由消费过程所滋生的观念拜物教的消解路径。 When Western Marxist sociologists such as Jean Buadrillard constructed their critical theory of consumer society, they took it only as a objective fact, with the methodological shortcoming of non-historical method, it made them can not catch the right meaning of Karl Marx's methodology of historical materialism so that can not figure out the right way of critique and surpass the consumer society. In his 1844 Economical and Philosophical Manuscript, Marx went directly into the critical study of wealth distribution without the concrete analysis of wealth production, it made him still have no capacity of historical research of consuming course. In German Ideology, Marx figured out the viewpoint that production course deterrninated distribution course, but did not pay more attention to the possible social significance of wealth consumption. After the theoritical preparation during the early of 1850s, Marx pointed out deeply, in 1857--1858 Economical Manuscript and 1861--1863 Economical Manuscript, that the governing mode of capital is very com t, ficated, it made the wealth consumption become important to the whole social economical form, the surpassing path of idea fetishism in consumer society should be found in the course of capitalism production.
出处 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第6期58-64,共7页 Academic Monthly
基金 国家"十一五"社科基金规"法国调节学派的社会建设理论研究"(06BKS028)的阶段性成果
关键词 消费社会 历史唯物主义 马克思 生产过程 consumer society, historical materialism, Karl Marx, production course
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