
三次集体出洋之比较:晚清官员走向世界的轨迹 被引量:3

A Comparison of Three Going Abroad Collectively:The Track of Officials of Late Qing Dynasty Moving towards the World
摘要 19世纪60年代至20世纪初,清政府官员曾经三次大规模集体出洋:第一次是1868年的蒲安臣使团。这是由外国人率领的近代中国第一个外交使团。第二次是1887年的海外游历使。这是清政府第一次通过考试选拔全部由中国官员组成的游历使团。第三次是1905年的五大臣出洋。这是清政府第一次派遣王公大臣集体出洋考察各国政治。这相隔各二十年左右的三次晚清官员集体出洋,可以看到他们走向世界的发展轨迹:从在洋人带领下走出国门,到中国人独立周游世界;从选拔中下级官员海外游历,到派遣王公大臣出洋考察;从泛泛调查异国风情,到重点考察外国政治;从回国后默默无闻几乎被历史遗忘,到推动立宪国策发挥重要作用,反映出晚清中国官员在走向世界、认识世界的艰难历程中一步一步地前进,逐步融入国际社会,登上世界外交舞台。但同时也暴露了清王朝的衰败和腐朽,终究不能挽救其灭亡的命运。 From the 1860 to the beginning of the 20th century, officials of the Qing dynasty collectively went abroad for three times : the first one is Burlingame diplomatic group in 1868. It is the first diplomatic group of modern China, which was led by a foreigner. The second is the commissioners who traveled overseas in 1887. It is the first time that the Qing government selected officials through tests to form the group, which was completely composed by the Chinese. The third is the five commissioners going abroad in 1905. It is the first time that the Qing government sent nobles to go outside collectively to study politics of various countries. There are about twenty years between each of them, from which we can see the track of they moving towards the world: from leading by the foreigner to going around the world independently; from selecting the subordinate officials to sending nobles; from the superficial investigations of foreign lands to focusing on studying politics of foreign countries; from almost forgotten by the history after they return to having great affects on constitutional developments in China, they reflected the arduous gradual course of officials in the late Qing dynasty who went outside to know the world step by step, and got used to the world and stepped on the world diplomatic stage. At the same time, they also expose the deterioration of the Qing dynasty and they can not save the dynasty from perishing eventually.
作者 王晓秋
机构地区 北京大学历史系
出处 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第6期140-145,共6页 Academic Monthly
关键词 晚清 中国官员 走向世界 集体出洋 the late Qing dynasty, Chinese officials, move towards the world, going abroad collectively
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  • 1《筹办夷务始末》,同治朝,卷50,北京,故宫博物院影印本,1930.
  • 2《筹办夷务始末》,同治朝,卷52.
  • 3《筹办夷务始末》,同治朝,卷51.
  • 4《筹办夷务始末》,同治朝,卷55
  • 5王晓秋指导闵锐武撰写的博士论文.《蒲安臣使团研究》,北京,中国文史出版社,2002.
  • 6志刚.《初使泰西纪》,卷2,见《走向世界丛书》,长沙,岳麓书社,1985.
  • 7《清季外交史料》,卷71.
  • 8《张謇全集》,江苏古籍出版社,1994年版.
  • 9《义和团档案史料》,下册,第914页,北京,中华书局,1959.
  • 10《光绪朝东华录》,第4755页,北京,中华书局,1984.












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