松尺蠖在云南省宁蒗县1年发生1代,以幼虫危害云南松针叶。幼虫始见于11月下旬,6月上旬老熟幼虫停止取食并吐丝下垂于枯枝落叶中或钻入湿润疏松的土表(约2 cm)深处化蛹,蛹期90d。成虫始见于8月,终止于10月上旬。卵始见于8月下旬,终止于11月下旬。8月下旬~9月下旬为该虫最佳灯诱杀虫期,3~5月为最佳化学防治时期。
Bupalus piniarius has one generation within one year in Ningnang county of Yunnan province, and its larvae endanger the conifer needles of Pinus Yunanensis. The larvae begin to be seen in the last ten - day period of November and the full grown larvae start to pupate in the deep soil in the first 10 - day of June with pupae period of 90 days. The imagoes begin to be seen in August and end in the first 10 - day of October, while the ovum begin to be seem in the last ten - day period of August and stop in the last ten - day of November. Thus, from the last ten - day period of August to the last ten - day of September is the best lamp trapping time, while from March to May is the optimum chemical control stage.
Forest Inventory and Planning
Bupalus piniarius
biological characteristics
study on control