提出了基于J2EE技术的城市交通诱导Web-GIS三层模型系统实现方案.并以北京市为例,采用Struts+Hibernate+JDBC技术构建了B/S结构的实时交通信息发布与诱导系统,克服了已有的城市交通信息Web-GIS系统只面向交通管理层的局限.该Web-GIS采用MapXtreme Java作为地图管理构建的瘦客户机/服务器模式,通过将查询道路与GPS实时浮动车数据进行动态匹配,来获得路线实时的交通信息,并结合重要的道路消息,为出行者提供可靠参考.
In this paper, a system scheme of Web-GIS system with triplex-frame model based on J2EE is proposed. Then, taking Beijing as an example, technologies such as Struts, Hibernate and JDBC are adopted to construct a real-time B/S system for urban traflqc information distribution and guidance. Such a structure can overcome the limitation that the present traffic Web-GIS system is only traffic management oriented. The Web-GIS system uses MapXtreme Java Software as a GIS manager to represent a Thick Client/ Server model. In order to obtain realtime traffic information, real-time GPS data from floating vehicles on road is applied to map-matching with the GIS data of the queried road dynamically, considering some important road news. By this way, reliable guidance information can be provided to travelers.
Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology