
2-10岁儿童慢性口吃危险因素研究 被引量:3

Study on Risk Factors Related with Chronic Stuttering for 2~10 Years Old Children
摘要 目的探讨儿童慢性口吃(持续6个月以上)的危险因素和环境影响因素。方法对109例2-10岁持续6个月以上的慢性口吃儿童与68例持续6个月以下的发育性言语不流畅儿童进行对照研究。结果慢性口吃组儿童的次要症状和躲避行为明显高于对照组;经Logistic回归分析,孩子在意自己口吃、无专业人员指导/训练、家长对口吃的态度、家族史、不良的纠正方法、家中人口少、家庭养育环境不良是慢性口吃的影响因素。结论口吃的同时较快出现次要症状和躲避行为、孩子在意自己的口吃(有心理压力)、具有家族史的儿童是慢性口吃的易感人群;是否有专业人员指导/训练、家长对口吃的态度、家长纠正口吃的方法、家中人口少、家庭养育环境不良等都对慢性口吃起重要的影响作用。 Objective To investigate the risk factors related with chronic stuttering of children lasting more than 6 months. Methods The data of 109 children of 2-10 years old with chronic stuttering lasting more than 6 months and 68 children with developmental stuttering lasting less than 6 months were analyzed. Results The minor symptom and escape behavior in the stuttering children group were significantly more than children in the control group. The risk factors related with chronic stuttering showed by Logistic regression analysis were as follows: care about their stuttering, not professional advice and training, the attitude of parents on stuttering, family history, incorrect rectifying methods, few family members, improper family bring-up environment. Conclusion Children with minor symptom and escape behavior concurrent with stuttering, care about their stuttering and with family record, are susceptible to chronic stuttering. Following factors are found important to chronic stuttering: professional advice and training, the attitude of parents to stuttering, methods of parents correcting stuttering, number of family members, bring-up environment of family.
出处 《中国康复理论与实践》 CSCD 2007年第6期558-560,共3页 Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Theory and Practice
关键词 儿童 口吃 危险因素 children stuttering risk factor
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