A toatal of 138 one d old ISA brown male chicks were used to study the effects of three levels of RSM (rape seed meal, 8 %, 12 % and 16 % ) and two combinations of additive (one rich in iodine, the other in vitamin K 3 and B 12 ) on growth and utilization of organic matter and protein according to 3×2 factorial designing. The results showed that no symptom of poisoning was found in all the birds tested. By the end of the trial, live weights from groups fed with diets containing 8 % and 12 % RSM were higher significantly than those from groups obtained the diets at 16 % RSM ( P <0.01). As for the mean daily liveweight gains and the daily feeds consume were also with the similar tendency. No significant difference existed in liveweights and mean daily liveweight gains between the two additive combination groups ( P >0.05). The experimental treatments had no much effects on utilization of the two nutrients ( P >0.05).
Journal of Gansu Agricultural University