运用.NET Remoting进行分布式应用程序开发不仅提高开发效率,而且具有开发的简单性和系统的灵活性,特别是在封闭的园区网内运用TCP进行数据传输可以大大提高数据传输效率.本文运用.NET Remoting异步调用方式、设计良好的回调函数,在能力测试系统中得到了较好的性能,并在文中给出了实现的顺序图.
With using. NET Remoting, it gets both higher develop effiency and the simplisity and flexibility of system development,. Espiccially, it improves transfer efficiency over TCP in a closed compus network. In this paper, it get higher performance in capacity test system with . NET Remoting asynchronous call and well-designed call back function, sequence chart are also given.
Journal of Qinghai Normal University(Natural Science Edition)