5Moore P H, Nuss K J. Flowering and flower synchronization [M]// Heinz D J. Sugarcane Improvement through Breeding. Amsterdam: Elsevier Press,1987:273-312.
6Moore P H, Heinz D J. Photoperiodic delay extension of the flowering season of early flowering Saccharum Spontanetun hybrids [J]. Hawaiian Planters' Record, 1972,58(13):165-172.
8Moore P H, Nuss K J. Flowering and flower synchronization [M]//Heinz D J. Sugarcane Improvement through Breeding [M]. Amsterdam: Elsevier Press, 1987: 273-312.
9Moore P H, Heinz D J. the flowering season Spontaneum hybrids [J] 58(13): 165-172. Photoperiodic delay extension of of early flowering Saccharum Hawaiian Planters' Record, 1972,.