通过运用UG、MSC.Patran/Nastran以及MSC.Adams软件,对19500 t干货船多块折叠式舱口盖的举臂结构进行了有限元分析。计算所得结果与试验结果相当吻合,表明研究分析方法正确,计算模型合理。本文的分析结果可为举臂结构设计提供理论依据。
By using UG,MSC. Patran/Nastran and MSC. Adams, this paper carries out the finite element analysis for the muti-folding hatch cover's hydraulic arm of the 19500 t General Cargo Carrier. The comparison between stress test measurements and FEA results has a good agreement and demonstrates that the research method is correct and the computed model is also reasonable. The analysis results could be regard as the designing reference for the structural design of the hydraulic arm.
Ship Science and Technology