
学生主动参与大学英语课堂教学的影响因素分析 被引量:2

Factors of Students' Active Participation in College English Classrooms
摘要 在传统的以教师的讲授为主的大学英语课堂教学中,学生只是被动地接受教师讲授的内容。本文通过课堂录音、访谈、问卷调查等方法进行调查,在数据收集和分析的基础上,从学生、教师、教材三个角度探讨了影响学生主动参与大学英语课堂的因素:学生的主动参与主要受个人英语水平、学习方式、个性等因素影响;教师的教学方法和教学态度等也成为影响学生主动参与的因素;教科书的难度和趣味性等因素也会影响学生的主动参与。 Traditionally teachers dominate College English classrooms by giving lectures while students passively receive what is imparted to them, which is not favorable to the development of students' competence in English. In view of the fact that students are rather passive participants in College English classrooms, the present study attempts to make investigations and collect the data through the classroom observation via audio recording, the interviews and the questionnaire. Based on data-collection and data- analysis, this paper explores the factors affecting students' active participation in College English classrooms with a focus on three dimensions: students, teachers and textbooks. The student factors include their English level of proficiency, learning styles and personality factors. Teachers' ways of teaching and attitudes towards students are two factors connected with teachers. As far as the textbook is concerned, it is chiefly explored from its level of difficulty and its interest.
作者 鲍建军
出处 《浙江树人大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2007年第3期72-75,共4页 Journal of Zhejiang Shuren University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
关键词 大学英语 学生 英语教师 College English student English teacher
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