
基于链接的网络计量指标与大学科研得分相关性研究 被引量:2

Research on Correlation between Link-Based Webometric Indexes and Scientific Evaluation of Universities
摘要 链接用于大学科研评价的研究是一个新兴的研究领域,国内的相关研究仍然很少。本文在国内外现有研究的基础上,以中国的研究型大学网站为研究对象,研究了基于链接的网络计量指标与大学科研得分之间的相关性,探讨了这些网络评价指标作为现实社会中大学科研能力评价指标的有效性和可靠性。结果发现,将外部链接限制在专门的网域后所产生的一些新的计量指标,其有效性比总外部链接的有效性可能更好。而且,来自.edu和.ac.cn这两个网域的外部链接与大学科研得分的相关性最好,因此可能是评价中国大学科研能力的最好的两个网络指标。 The use of links in university research evaluation is an emerging research field, and there are still few related studies in China. On the basis of current domestic and oversea studies, the paper studies the correlation between link-based webometric indexes and research scores of Chinese research universities, discusses the validity and reliability of these indexes in evaluating research ability of universities in the real world. The research found that the validity of new indexes like external links in particular domains may be better than that of total external link. Moreover, the correlations between the external links from. edu and. ac. cn domain and research scores of universities are the best, therefore, these two indexes may be the best in evaluating research ability of Chinese universities.
出处 《情报学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第3期384-390,共7页 Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information
关键词 外部链接 网络计量指标 大学评价 网络影响因子 external links, webometric indexes, university evaluation, Web impact factor
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