Objective To find the methods to manage thc recurrcnt retinal dctachment with brcaks on buckled sclera after regular scleral buckling surgery. Methods Sixteen cases presented retinal re-detachment after regular scleral buckling surgery with breaks on buckled sclera. Three cases with dctachment localized to buckled sclera were observed. After 4 - 6months, these cases received subretinal fluid drainage combine with cryothcrapy for thc progrcssion of the detachment. For another 13 cases with total retinal detachment ,3 cases developed severe PVR and underwent vitrectomy combine with laser photocoagulation; Another 10 cases received bilateral patching to fasten the sub-retinal fluid absorption ,3 of them undergone laser photocoagulation after the fluid totally absorbed; 7 of them with partial fluid absorption but thc retinal detachment were localized around the buckle, underwent sub-retinal fluid drainage combine with. Results Retinal re-attachment was achieved in all of the 16 cases, the breaks were totally sealed. There is no recurrent case after 1-3 years follow-up. Conclusions When and how to manage the recurrent retinal detachment with on-buckle holes after scleral buckling surgery, depends on intra-ocular conditions. Vitrectomy is needed if severe PVR presented. If the PVR is less than C1, observation and laser photocoagulation after the sub-retinal fluid absorption should be applied. A simple sub-retinal fluid drainage and cryotherapy could be effective to re-attachment if the sub-retinal fluid is persistent and localized around the buckle.
Medical Journal of Liaoning