目的:准确、无误的掌握好Xe-CT CBF分析系统的各项操作步骤,成功地完成Xe-CT检查,从而为临床提供准确、有效、可靠的脑血流量(CBF)测量数据。方法:选择100例脑血管病患者(男80例,女20例,年龄11~75岁)在安静状态下进行CT头颅常规扫描然后吸入氙气与氧气按一定的比例形成的混合气体后再次进行扫描,其中9例注入血管扩张药后进而行增强扫描,最后将扫描结果上传Xe-CT CBF分析系统,进行CBF的定量分析。结果:在这随机抽选的100例行Xe-CT检查的脑血管病患者中,最后检查成功者94例(占94%),不成功者6例(占6%)。结论:Xe-CT CBF分析结果是令人满意的且所得数据真实可信,但为了得到更多准确、高质的CBF的图像,尽量减低不成功率,因而,正确无误、规范的控制Xe-CT扫描流程是至关重要的。
Objective To successfully accomplish the Xe-CT examination and supply correct, valid and reliable data about cerebral blood flow (CBF) of the patients for clinical doctors. Methods One hundred patients (80 males and 20 females, aged from 11 to 75 years) who suffered from cerebrovascular disease received routine cerebral CT examination in resting state firstly. After breathing in the xenon-oxygen mixed gase in proportion, they once more received the cerebral CT examination. Nine of them were injected vasodilating agent, then received the enhanced CT examination again. Finally, these results were transferred to the Xe-CT CBF analysis system to analyze the CBF quantitatively. Results In the 100 patients selected randomly who suffered from cerebrovascular diseases, Xe-CT scanning was successful in 94 cases, while unsuccessful in 6 cases. Conclusion The results of CBF analysis are satisfied and most data are actual and reliable. For obtaining high-quality CBF images and reducing the unsuccess ratio as far as possible, it is vital to control the flow-sheet of Xe-CT scanning correctly and standardly.
Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology