Purpose To detect the expression of p63 isoforms (TAp63, A Np63) in 4 types of lung neoplasms and to gain insight their biological significance in carcinogenesis of lung neoplasm. Methods One hundred and eighty-three formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded eases of lung neoplasms and 30 matched surroundings specimens as control were examined for p63, TAp63 and A Np63 protein expression by imunohistoehemistry using tissue mieroarray. Results The expression of the three protein in squamous cell carcinomas ( SCC), adenoeareinomas (AC), bronehioloalveolar carcinoma (BAC) and small cell lung carcinomas (SCLC) were closely correlated with each other ( r 〉 0. 75 ,P 〈 0. 01 ) and all significantly higher in SCC than the other types ( P 〈 0. 01 ). The matched surrounding tissues only showed nuclear p63 immunoreaetivity in basal cells and myoepithelium of bronchi mueosal glands. The expression was not correlated with elinieopathologieal characteristics. Conclusions p63 plays a great role in the carcinogenesis of lung SCC, and TAp63/△Np63 may both display certain function. These results may also help distinguish SCC from other three types of lung neoplasms in diagnostic pathology.
Chinese Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology