
PPLT光参量振荡实际输出波长偏差分析 被引量:2

Dispersion of the Output Wavelength in PPLT-OPO Practically
摘要 通过分析OPO实现参量的过程,分析了在样品周期和抽运波长确定时,光传播方向严格平行于晶体通光主轴时由温度调谐实际所引起的PPLT-OPO输出波长的偏差。同时也对光束传输方向与通光主轴方向成小角度的情况作了相应的分析,并对两种情况加以比较。 By analyzing the character of the process of OPO, and assuming that the period of the sample and the pump wavelength were certain, the propagation direction was parallel with the optical axis of the crystal firmly, we gained the dispersion of output wavelength of PPLT - OPO which was caused by the change of the temperature infact. We also analyzed the aspect that the propagation direction departed from the optical axis for a little angle, and compared it with the former.
出处 《江西科学》 2007年第2期132-134,186,共4页 Jiangxi Science
关键词 周期极化 准相位匹配 PPLT—OPO Poled periodic, Quasi - phase - matching ( QPM), PPLT - OPO
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