

The Common Build and Enjoy of Environment with Resources from Frontiers Area of China and Burma
摘要 云南中缅边境生物资源十分丰富,是一条绿色安全带,因地质地貌和气象条件复杂多样,生态环境脆弱。在经济发展过程中,人为活动容易造成环境恶化、生物资源缺乏,引起地区贫困。只有两国政府友好合作,创建有效的管理体制,建立法规化的环境成本补偿机制,加强生态建设,使生产布局和种植结构合理,以独创品牌和新的农业形式、经营方式、结构组合等科技手段,结合新农村建设发展生态农业,并开发旅游资源,达到可持续经营,造福两国边境人民。 The frontiers area of China and Burma are very rich in natural resources and a safely zone of agricultural products. Complex conditions of geology and climate caused weak ecological environment. Man-made activities easily deteriorated environment and made lack of resources in economic developing. Only friendly cooperation between two countries, such as establishment of effective management system, making up a system of environment cost legally and strengthen the ecological construction, could keep the sustainable development and bring a good prospect to local people, through a rational plan for cultivated form and productive structure with technological ways like unique brand, new agriculture and business way, etc.. With the developing of ecological agriculture, to exploit the tour resources.
作者 赵光材
出处 《热带农业科技》 2007年第2期44-47,共4页 Tropical Agricultural Science & Technology
关键词 中缅边境区域 生态环境 生物资源 可持续经营 frontiers area of China and Burma ecological environment natural resources sustainable management
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