
MTree_Cache:高效的网络模拟路由计算与查找策略 被引量:2

MTree_Cache: efficient routing computation and lookup mechanism in network simulation
摘要 为了提高网络模拟的规模与性能,着重研究了网络模拟中路由信息计算、存储与查找问题,在多棵最小生成树加部分静态路由表路由策略(MTree_Flat)基础上提出了改进策略——MTree_Cache。实验结果表明,该策略降低了存储空间,提高了路由查找效率,性能较MTree_Flat提高90%。 To improve the scale and the behavior of the network simulation, this paper emphasizes on the muting states computation, storage and lookup in network simulation, and presents the modified muting mechanism MTree_Cache based on the MTree Flat. The experimental results show that MTree _ Cache can recluee storage space requirement and time requirement of muting states lookup and improve the simulation efficieney by 90% compared to MTree _ Flat.
出处 《高技术通讯》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期21-25,共5页 Chinese High Technology Letters
基金 973计划(2005CB321806)和863计划(2004-研4-AA-01)资助项目.
关键词 网络模拟 路由策略 最小生成树 network simulation, muting mechanism, spanning tree
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