
各向异性材料导热系数在非主方向上的转换 被引量:3

Thermal Conductivity Coefficient Transformation of Anisotropic Material on the Non main Direction
摘要 在研究热弹性问题时,一般对于各向异性材料,总可以找到三个主方向,并获得关于这三个主方向上的材料常数。一般在建立模型时通常将坐标系选择与主方向一致,从而使问题简化。但若坐标系选择与主方向不一致时,则主方向的数据必须经过转换才能适用于这类坐标系。本文给出了导热系数由主方向向非主方向转换的一般表达式。 When the problem of thermoelasticity is explored as for each anisotropic material, three main directions are usually reached, on which accordingly the physical constant of the material can be obtained. The choice of the coordinate system is usually the same as that of the main direction.If in this way,the problem will be simplified.But if not, the data on the main direction should be transformed and then applied in this kind of the coordinate system.This article provides the formula about the transformation of the thermal conductivity coefficient from the main direction to the non main direction.
机构地区 华中师范大学
出处 《武汉工业大学学报》 CSCD 1997年第1期109-111,共3页
基金 高校博士点基金
关键词 导热系数 转换 各向异性材料 热弹性 非主方向 anisotropic thermal conductivity thermal conducutivity coefficient transformation
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