
学生对体育教师性别偏见的实验研究 被引量:2

Experimental study of student’s sexual prejudice to physical education teachers
摘要 采用“双盲测试”实验方法对河南省安阳市的2 398名大中小学生进行测试,多因素方差分析表明,学生在根据教案评价假设的不同等级的体育教师时,相对于男教师而言,在语言表达能力和人际沟通能力方面存在对女体育教师高估的评价偏见;假设的教师等级对评价这些能力时的性别偏见具有强烈的影响。因此,在学生参与的对教师进行能力评价的过程中应该考虑性别偏见因素。 By adopting the experimental method of "twin blind test", the author tested 2,398 students in elementary schools, high schools and universities in Anyang city, Henan province, and revealed the following findings via the analysis of variance of multiple factors: When evaluating physical education teachers with different hypothetical ratings according to the teaching plan, the students had a prejudice to having a higher opinion .on female physical education teachers than on male physical education teachers in terms of linguistic expression capability and interpersonal communication capability; the hypothetical teacher ratings had tremendously influence on the sexual prejudice when these capabilities were evaluated. Therefore, the sexual prejudice factor should be considered in the process of teacher capability evaluation carried out by the students.
作者 贺亮锋
出处 《体育学刊》 CAS CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第4期76-79,共4页 Journal of Physical Education
基金 2006年度河南省哲学社会科学规划项目(批准号:2006FTY005)
关键词 教师能力 性别偏见 性别角色定型 性别图式 teacher's capability, sexual prejudice, finalization of sexual role. sexual legend
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