
我国高血压和糖尿病的疾病负担分析 被引量:44

Burden of diseases caused by hypertension and diabetes in China
摘要 目的了解我国高血压和糖尿病的疾病负担状况。方法通过2002年中国居民营养与健康调查和第三次国家卫生服务调查结果,采用患病率、死亡率、去死因期望寿命、潜在寿命损失年、早死指数等指标对高血压和糖尿病的健康损失进行估计;并计算这两种疾病导致的直接经济损失。结果我国目前至少有1.74亿高血压患者,每年大约22万人死于高血压;去死因期望寿命计算结果显示,高血压导致的期望寿命损失在男性中为0.362岁,女性为0.359岁,全国合计为0.36岁;高血压引起的潜在寿命损失约为254万寿命年;平均每一个高血压病人死亡,将会导致11.4年的“早死”;每年用于高血压的医疗费用为318.9亿元人民币,约占2002年我国卫生总费用的5.6%。目前,我国共有2300万人正经受着糖尿病的困扰;每年有大约9万人死于糖尿病;去死因期望寿命计算结果显示,糖尿病导致的期望寿命损失在城市中为0.21岁,农村为0.08岁,全国合计为0.15岁;糖尿病引起的潜在寿命损失约为130万寿命年;平均每一个糖尿病人死亡,将会导致14.4年的“早死”;糖尿病导致的直接经济负担约为107亿元人民币,约占2002年我国卫生总费用的1.88%。结论无论是健康损失还是经济损失,高血压和糖尿病导致的疾病负担都是非常巨大的。 Objective To give an overview of the burden of diseases contributed by hypertension and diabetes. Methods Based on the data published by the Ministry of Health (MOH) , prevalence rate, mortality rate, cause eliminated life expectancy, years of potential life lost, index of life lost were used to calculate the health burden of disease. Meanwhile, the direct economic burden of diseases was also presented. Results According to the calcu- lation, about 174 million of people were suffering from hypertension and 220 thousands died of hypertension. The cause eliminated life year attributed to hypertension was different between male and female, 0. 363 years for male and 0. 359 years for female. About 2.54 million life years will be lost potentially due to hypertension. One case of hypertension will lead to about 11.4 years of life lost on the average. Moreover, the direct economic burden reached 31.89 billion RMB, about 1.88% of the national health expenditure at the same period. At the same time ,about 23 million of people were suffering from diabetes and 90 thousands died of diabetes. The cause eliminated life year attributed to diabetes was different between urban and rural area, 0.21 years for urban and 0.08 years for rural. About 1.3 million life years would be lost potentially due to hypertension. One case of hypertension would lead to about 14.4 years life lost on the average. Moreover, the direct economic burden reached 10.7 billion RMB, about 1, 88% of the national health expenditure at the same period. Conclusion The burden of diseases contributed by hypertension and diabetes, based on the calculation of both health and economic burden, would definitely cause a heavy pressure to both the government and society.
出处 《公共卫生与预防医学》 2007年第3期27-30,共4页 Journal of Public Health and Preventive Medicine
关键词 高血压 糖尿病 疾病负担 死亡率 去死因期望寿命 潜在寿命损失年 早死指数 Hypertension Diabetes Burden of diseases Mortality Cause Eliminated Life Expectancy Years of potential life lost Index of life lost
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