
番茄裂果与果皮结构的关系及其杂种优势表现 被引量:22

Relationoship Between Fruit Crack and Fruit Skin Architecture and their Heterosis in Tomato(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)
摘要 以4份抗裂番茄为母本,3份易裂番茄和1份抗裂番茄为父本,按照不完全双列杂交设计配制4×4的杂交组合,研究8个亲本和16个F1的裂果特性与果皮结构的关系,分析它们的杂种优势表现。结果表明,易裂基因型的果皮较薄,抗裂基因型的果皮普遍较厚,但也有果皮薄而抗裂能力强的基因型。裂果特性有明显的杂种优势,优势的方向在不同组合间有很大的差异。亲本的一般配合力对杂种后代的抗裂时间发挥了决定性作用。对利用结构特征改良番茄抗裂能力的潜力进行了讨论。 According to diallel crossing design, 4 × 4 combinations from 4 female parents with crack resistance and 3 crack-susceptible male parents and 1 crack-resistant male parent were made. These 16 F1s and 8 parents were used to study relationship between crack characteristics and fruit skin architecture as well as their heterosis. Experimental results showed that fruit skin of crack-susceptible genotypes was much thinner than that of crack-resistant ones. But there were some crack-resistant genotypes with thin fruit skin. Crack characteristics displayed a strong heterosis but its direction depended on combinations. General combining ability played an important role on crack-resistant time of F1 . The potential of improving crack capacity based on skin architecture was discussed.
出处 《华北农学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期141-147,共7页 Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica
基金 天津市动植物新品种选育项目(05YFGZNC01301) 天津市应用基础重点项目(043801411)
关键词 番茄 裂果 果皮结构 杂种优势 Tomato Fruit crack Fruit skin architecture Heterosis
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