
主动词汇与产出性词汇—被动词汇与接受性词汇的异同 被引量:1

Active and Productive Vocabulary, Passive and Receptive Vocabulary: The Same or Different?
摘要 产出性和接受性词汇、主动和被动词汇在词汇习得研究中一直被看作是可以替用的术语,但大量文献表明,两组术语均存在较大差异。本文就两组术语的异同、产接词汇在词汇认知研究中的局限性、主动与被动词汇在词汇认知研究中的优势地位以及两组术语在词汇认知测试中的差异进行了对比分析。文章指出,词汇知识与词汇能力是两种不同的词汇状态,其间存在的“主动”与“被动”程度决定了主动与被动词汇在词汇习得研究中的独立地位,学界应重新对这两组术语进行定义以利于更深层次的词汇习得探讨。 There are two pairs of underlying terms, one of which is receptive vocabulary and productive vocabulary, the other is passive vocabulary and active vocabulary, which are often taken as synonyms. Nevertheless, a great amount of literature reveals that there is much difference between them. This paper makes a contrastive analysis on the differences between these two terms as to their theoretical definitions and their actual use in lexical knowledge testing. In light of a great amount of relevant literature, the paper has pointed out that receptive vocabulary and productive vocabulary has many limitations in explaining the experimental results as to the SLA, while passive vocabulary and active vocabulary gain an advantage over them in marking the degree of "activeness" and "passiveness" in lexical acquisition process. The article concludes that active vocabulary and passive vocabulary can not be taken as the synonyms for productive vocabulary and receptive vocabulary. Therefore, they should be given an independent status in lexical acquisition research. Finally, the article proposes that lexicographers give new definitions to the two pairs of terms to promote SLA research.
作者 龚兵
出处 《深圳职业技术学院学报》 CAS 2007年第2期54-59,73,共7页 Journal of Shenzhen Polytechnic
关键词 接受性词汇 产出性词汇 主动词汇 被动词汇 receptive vocabulary productive vocabulary passive vocabulary active vocabulary
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