
聚束SAR应用条带SAR方法成像 被引量:1

Application of Strip Mode Imaging to Spotlight SAR Imaging System
摘要 在分析聚束合成孔径雷达(SAR)方位向时频关系的基础上,提出了一种新的全孔径分辨率SAR成像算法。根据SAR在条带与聚束模式下回波信号之间的差别,利用现有成熟的条带SAR成像算法实现先对聚束SAR各方位向子孔径成像,而后再将各方位子孔径带宽合成为全孔径带宽,以形成具有全孔径分辨率的SAR图像,极大降低了系统PRF的要求。 In this paper, basing on analyzing the time-frequency relationship in azimuth of Spotlight SAR, and according to the difference of the signals of spotlight SAR and strip SAR, a new method which can realize the imaging of spotlight SAR by utilizing the squint mode imaging method of strip SAR is proposed. The azimuth signal of a sub-aperture can be regarded as a sub - band of the full aperture. After imaging the spotlight SAR signal using the imaging method for squint mode strip SAR, the sub-apertures are combined. The having full aperture resolution image is recovered and the azimuth resolution is improved.
出处 《现代雷达》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期46-50,共5页 Modern Radar
关键词 聚束式SAR成像 子孔径合成 频带拼接 spotlight SAR imaging sub-aperture synthesis band combination
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