Chongqing medicine
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1范沁林,焦岩,刘国军,周振华,张波,陈林,甘立霞,陈康宁.大鼠全脑缺血再灌注后HAX-1蛋白与皮质神经元凋亡的关系[J].第三军医大学学报,2010,32(6):584-587. 被引量:13
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3张佳凤,郝文波,熊玉锋,徐岚,庄斯慧,罗树红.人酪氨酸蛋白激酶Lyn的真核表达、纯化及鉴定[J].生物技术,2016,26(1):42-47. 被引量:1
5Jia-yuan WU Mei LI Li-juan CAO Mei-ling SUN Dong CHEN Hai-gang REN Qin XIA Zhou-teng TAO Zheng-hong QIN Qing-song HU Guang-hui WANG.Protease Omi cleaving Hax-1 protein contributes to OGD/R-induced mitochondrial damage in neuroblastoma N2a cells and cerebral injury in MCAO mice[J].Acta Pharmacologica Sinica,2015,36(9):1043-1052. 被引量:10
8王琼,孙湛,买买提祖农.买苏尔,陈永香,龙梅,闫玉仙.三七总皂苷对大鼠脑缺血再灌注损伤后脑组织的凋亡抑制作用[J].现代生物医学进展,2013,13(15):2804-2808. 被引量:16
9陈虎,杨章旗,谭健晖,冯源恒,贾婕,唐国强,欧军.马尾松PmFT1基因克隆及对花发育的影响[J].基因组学与应用生物学,2015,34(4):806-812. 被引量:4
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