
嗅鞘细胞的特点及其研究现状 被引量:2

Characteristics and present research of olfactory ensheathing cells
摘要 目的:嗅鞘细胞具有强大的修复脊髓损伤的潜能,文章就嗅鞘细胞的特性、培养及纯化方法、移植时机选择、应用前景等内容予以综述。资料来源:应用计算机检索Medline 1994-01/2007-03期间的相关文章,检索词为“olfactory ensheathing cells,spinal cordinjury”,并限定文章语言种类为English。同时计算机检索中国期刊全文数据库1994-01/2007-03期间的相关文章,检索词为“嗅鞘细胞,脊髓损伤”,并限定文章语言种类为中文。资料选择:对资料进行初审,并查看每篇文献后的引文。纳入标准:文章所述内容应与嗅鞘细胞的特性、培养、移植、应用等研究相关。排除标准:重复研究。资料提炼:共收集到47篇相关文献,35篇文献符合纳入标准,排除的12篇文献为内容陈旧或重复。符合纳入标准的35篇文献中,分别涉及嗅鞘细胞的特性、培养及纯化方法、移植时机选择、应用前景等内容。资料综合:脊髓损伤后脊髓神经元死亡,神经营养因子缺乏,且存在抑制修复分子以及胶质瘢痕、空洞阻碍轴突生长。脊髓损伤修复的策略就是针对这些因素加以干预,但完全恢复脊髓功能非常困难且并非必要,治疗目的是恢复对生活质量有重要作用的那一部分功能,优先考虑的重点是髓鞘形成和轴突再生。嗅鞘细胞能分泌多种神经营养因子,并抑制星形胶质细胞反应,具有明显的神经保护作用,加之其强大的增殖能力,在细胞移植和基因治疗等研究领域存在许多优势。嗅鞘细胞取材方便、易于扩增,可作为脊髓损伤细胞治疗的一个备选来源。结论:具有自我更新能力及神经保护作用的嗅鞘细胞,随着转基因治疗和联合细胞移植的深入研究,将为脊髓损伤的修复带来广阔前景。 OBJECTIVE: Olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs) have great potential to repair spinal cord injury (SCI). This paper aims to review the biological features of OECs and their cultivation, purification and transplantation opportunity and applied perspective in the repair of SCI. DATA SOURCES: An online search at Medline was undertaken to identify the related articles published from January 1994 to March 2007 with the key words of "olfactory ensheathing cells, spinal cord injury" in English. Meanwhile, the Chinese articles wore retrieved in the Chinese Journals Full-Text Database (CJFD) during the same period with the key words of "olfactory ensheathing cells, spinal cord injury". STUDY SELECTION: After the primary check, the quotation of each literature was looked over. Inclusive criteria included articles on the biological features of OECs and their cultivation, purification and transplantation opportunity in the repair of SCI. Exclusive criteria included articles with repetitive study. DATA EXTRACTION: A total of 47 relevant articles were collected, and 35 articles met the inclusive criteria, and the excluded 12 articles wore with old or repetitive contents. The 35 articles wore relevant to the biological features of OECs and their cultivation, purification, transplantation opportunity and applied perspective in the repair of SCI. DATA SYNTHESIS: SCI induces spinal neuron death and lack of neurotrophic factor (NTF). Repair molecule, glial scar and axon growth inhibited by cavities are found. The strategy of SCI repair is to intervene these factors, but complete SCI recovery is very difficult and not necessary. The goals of treatment are to recover the function that is very important for quality of life. The key is myelinogenesis and axonal regeneration. With great neuroprotective effect of reducing astrocytic gliosis or secreting neurotrophic factor and proliferation capability, OECs are dominant in the cell transplantation and gene treatment. OECs can be used as a selective source of treating SCI cells due to the convenient material-drawn, easy amplification. CONCLUSION: With the profound researches of transgene treatment and associated cell transplantation, OECs can extend their application on the recovery of SCI owing to the self-renewing and neuroprotective mechanism.
出处 《中国组织工程研究与临床康复》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第24期4810-4814,共5页 Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research
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