目的 比较老年和青中年人群高血压患者心脏血流动力学的特征,并寻求老年高血压患者的最佳护理方案.方法 选取老年和青中年人群高血压患者共135例,其中男性80例,女性55例,年龄20~80岁,使用T3001心脏血流动力监测仪测定SV、CI、PEP/LVET、HI、AMP A、A/C、AC、TPR并进行比较研究.结果 老年高血压病人与青中年高血压患者相比,心功能指标:CO、CI、HI和AC均显著降低;AMP A、A/C、TPR均显著升高(P<0.05或P<0.01).其中以TPR增加、AC下降最突出,其次表现为心脏的收缩和舒张功能下降.结论 老年高血压患者的血流动力学指标有着不同于青中年患者的改变,因此,在老年高血压患者的护理方面也有其特点.
Objective To compare the characteristic of hemodynamics in elderly patients with essential hypertension to those of the young and middle-aged patients, and to explore the best nursing plan. Method One hundred and thirty five elderly, young and middle-aged patients with essential hypertension (80 males, 55 females, age range 20 to 80 years) were recruited in this study, SV,CI, PEP/LVET, HI, AMP A, A/C, AC and TPR were measured by T3001 heart hemodynamics monitoring instrument. Then all indexes were measured and compared between the two groups. Result The CO、CI、HI and AC in group of elderly patients with essential hypertension was significantly decreased compared with these in the young and middle-aged patients with essential hypertension, but the AMP A、A/ C and TPR was significantly increased(P〈0.05 ,P〈0. 01), the TPR and AC showed the most significant decreasing. Conclusion The index of hemodynamics in elderly patients with essential hypertension is markedly different from those of young and middle-aged patients. Therefore, there is the distinct feature in the nursing of elderly patients with essential hypertension.
Journal of Nurses Training
Hypertension Hemodynamics Nursing