
变形高阶贝塞尔光束的传播和自成像效应 被引量:2

Propagation and self-imaging effect of deformed high-order Bessel beam
摘要 从产生高阶贝塞尔光束的典型光路着手,通过将高阶贝塞尔光束分解为高阶贝塞尔余弦光束和高阶贝塞尔正弦光束,利用柱坐标下的Collins公式,分析了变形高阶贝塞尔光束的解析表达式和在自聚焦透镜中的传播。得到了变形高阶贝塞尔光束的一般解析表达式,自由空间的自成像过程,和在自聚焦透镜中传播的特点以及它们在高阶贝塞尔余弦光束和高阶贝塞尔正弦光束波数横向分量差异为0.005 K时的数值模拟。结果证实了变形高阶贝塞尔光束具有无衍射特性及自成像效应。 Based on the typical arrangement for generating high-order Bessel beam and decomposing it into high-order Bessel cosine beam and high-order Bessel sine beam,the analytical expression of a de formed high-order Bessel beam and its propagation properties in self-focusing lens were analyzed using the Collins formula in cylindrical coordinate system. The general analytical expression of the defo/med high-order Bessel beam and its propagation properties of in self-focusing lens self-imaging process in free space were obtained. The numerical simulation results were also given, when the difference of transverse component of wave number between high-order Bessel cosine beam and high-order Bessel sine beam was 0. 005 K. Experimental results show that the deformed high-order Bessel beam is still nondiffracting beam with self-imageing effect in free space.
出处 《光学精密工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期835-840,共6页 Optics and Precision Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.10604045) 校科研基金资助项目(No.20052801)
关键词 变形高阶贝塞尔光束 自成像效应 自聚焦透镜 光传播 deformed high-order Bessel beam self-imaging self-focusing lens light propagation
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